Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Public bathrooms can be pretty gross - but should you be worried about contamination? We break down the science to find out if your tush is in trouble.


  1. This is all wrong.
    1. You wipe down the seat to remove fluid droplets.
    2. You lay down strips of 3 attached squares (not single squares, that's for amateurs) - 3 down the sides, 3 across the front (not two or your penis may press through the perforations and touch the bowl).
    You do this in two layers minimum, slightly overlapping the sides for extra protective seat wrap-around.
    Then a 3sq strip folded into a slight V shape towards the rear of the seats as it curves in, then a single layer 3sq strip along the back edge.
    3. 2 layers minimum on surface of water to prevent splash-back. Hovering will only allow more height = more acceleration = higher impact velocity = greater splashback = mistake.
    4. Wipe arse (if you'd grabbed some paper hand towels and wet them of first, this'll get you extra clean. If you think you're clean using only dry paper, you're mistaken.
    5. All flushing and cubicle door opening to be done with toilet paper. Don't forget to close lid with paper first to block flush ejected germ vapour.
    6. Tap can be turned on with back of hand unless no soap. Use paper otherwise.
    7. Turn off tap with paper towel. Discard.
    8. 2nd paper towel to dry hands and open outer door. If no paper towel, part of clothing to grab handle or sacrificial pinky.

  2. Oh for fucks sake, mankind has survived for thousands of years without cleaning supplies and proper sanitation. Just take a poop already and go about your business.

    1. Please refer ti the black plague caused by poor sanitation.

      Seriously, I am not afraid of dirt or a bit of grime, but honestly, I am not about to sit on the shitter if it looks like it wasn't cleaned recently (Assuming it is public).

      As a dude, our aim isn't always spot on. You get a bit on the seat often. Some assholes leave it there.

      It's just grodey.

      (I am not afraid of disease, I just don't want my ass coming in contact with others waste)

  3. If women would stop squatting in bathroom stalls and make a mess; the rest of us [like myself] would feel a bit comfortable sitting down as we do at home. Also, going to the bathroom wouldn't feel such a drag.

    *if you sprinkle while you twinkle, please be neat and wipe the seat*

    Because at the end of your business you're going to wash your hands.
